Our Curriculum

Our curriculum is Qur’an-centric. The first book we wish our children to love is the Qur’an. We strive to instil its veneration and adoration in their hearts from a young age. The Book of Allah is at the core of all our pedagogy.

Alongside our Qur’an programme, we incorporate a unique tarbiyyah syllabus that will facilitate the students’ intellectual and spiritual development. Every single letter they recite is undoubtedly blessed, but the ultimate goal of a Muslim’s Qur’anic engagement must be to reflect over, understand, and act upon the wisdom of revelation.

The programme aims to enable students to be confident in their speaking, structured in their planning, exercise self-accountability, exhibit excellent morals, and more.

Qai'dah Nuraniyyah

This the first level for all beginner students to grasp the fundamentals of Qur’anic recitation. Student’s are accepted from the age of 5 up to the age of 8. Younger ages may be accepted depending on their own independence levels of care.

Level 1A

This level begins from the alphabet. Children study the Arabic letters and vowels through the renowned Qā‘idah Nūrāniyyah textbook.

Level 1B

This is the next level in our Qā‘idah Nūrāniyyah programme. Here, the children will begin to familiarise themselves with word combinations and simple sentences, so they are are able to transition onto Qur’anic fluency.


Students begin their journey to recite the whole Qur’an with the long-term goals of fluency and accuracy.

Level 2A

This is our entry level to tilāwah – fluent recitation. Students will learn to fluently recite al-Fātihah, then all chapters from al-Nās to al-A‘lā. At this level, students will be able to identify rules of tajwīd and learn to apply them.

Level 2B

At this level, students will complete the remaining chapters from Juz’ `Amma to achieve a good reading fluency. Students will be exposed to all common tajwīd rules within the Qur’an through these chapters.

Level 2C

Students will aim to complete the reading of the whole Qur’an so they become proficient in their reading of the Book.

There is no expectation for students to memorise any chapters within the Tilawah programme, though they are welcome to do so if they wish with the direction of their teacher.


Our hifdh programme is for selected students only who have reached a good level of fluency and have access to the necessary support at home. The two tajwīd poems Tuhfat al-Atfāl and al-Jazariyyah are also slowly incorporated as students progress through this level.

Level 3A

The first level involves the memorisation of Juz’ `Amma. This allows students to recite the chapters they have memorised in their prayer to build long-lasting habits. Students are expected to complete the Juz’ in two terms.

Level 3B

The second level progresses on to the memorisation of Juz’ Tabarak in the same breath. Completion of the Juz’ is expected within two terms.

Level 3C

In this third level, students commence their hifdh from the start of surah al-Baqarah along with revision of previously memorise chapters. 
Each student is expected to memorise a Juz’ a term. 
Students are welcome to memorise more than the expected curriculum amount subject to the strength of their hifdh at the discretion of their teacher.